DIY: Memory Jar

DIY Memory Jar

With Valentines Day on the horizon I thought I would share this project to give you some inspiration when deciding on a gift for your valentine. Showing your love does not mean spending lots of money, although I do love a flowers, your gift just needs to be meaningful in some shape or form. So get your thinking cap on and skip buying that huge chocolate heart from CVS.

Here is a step by step process for making a Valentines Day memory jar. Easy as pie!

Step 1. Find a Jar
I recommend a vintage mason jar, but any jar will do the trick.

2. Decorate Your Jar
I used stickers, but you could also paint on it to really make a statement.


3. Find Pretty Paper
Make your jar colorful and fun by using different types of paper. Get creative!

4.Finishing Touches
Finish it off, or should I say, start it off by writing a memory for your jar. Woo!


5. Make It Special
Finalize your gift by adding a tag and some ribbon. If I had more time I would have decked out the jar below a bit more… But you get the idea.

After a year of memories… It should look something like this!

This is the memory jar I made last year! It’s almost ready to be opened!

Have a wonderful week!

Burlington, VT – The Outdoor Gear Exchange

The Outdoor Gear Exchange

37 Church Street  Burlington, VT 05401
(802) 860-0190 –

Recommend: For all outdoor enthusiasts, skiers, hikers, bikers and adventure seekers.

My fabulous friend, Melissa, is my guest blogger for this post! She got a chance to head to Burlington, VT and check out The Outdoor Gear Exchange, which looks pretty amazing!  If you’re heading through VT this winter to get your ski on → stop by and get your shop on!

Melissa, JR and their dog Zion

Melissa, JR and their dog Zion

In Melissa’s words:

This weekend I took a trip to Burlington VT where I strolled around the town looking for local flavor and enjoying the crisp November morning. This vacation destination and college town, has many activities to offer including shopping along Church Street, miles of bike paths along the silvery shores of Lake Champlain, and multiple dog parks within a short radius. Foodies and outdoor enthusiasts alike will enjoy the many restaurants the town has to offer working under the food-to-table concept.

Beautiful Burlington

Beautiful Burlington


Amid my journey throughout Burlington, I happened upon a great outdoor store with a wide array of new and consignment gear, called The Outdoor Gear Exchange.  Immediately upon entering, you are stuck by just how vast the selection was for new items in every single category spread throughout the store. My boyfriend was amazed at the sheer selection of gloves/mittens/hats—any type, color, and brand you could think of was there. In fact, the selection of backpacks was the most impressive. They even had one backpack that can only be described as “elusive”, the one backpack that J.R. has yet to find in any other gear shop explored on the East or West Coast (and there are many).

Backpacks Galore!

Backpacks Galore!

Mixed in with some of the gear, you can find some used and consigned equipment for sale at great prices. If you are into mountain climbing and want some vintage crampons, you can find some great deals. Want snowshoes? They have any kind that you want!

Lots and Lots To Choose From!

Lots and Lots To Choose From!

Vintage Crampons ~ Awesome

Vintage Crampons ~ Awesome

The best part The Outdoor Gear Exchange? The consignment and closeout section located in the basement. Here you can find sweet deals on clothing, shoes, and gear. Need some hiking boots or climbing shoes? They have a wide selection! Need a fleece that you can climb in and don’t feel bad getting dirty? Just pick a color! I found a teal North Face fleece for $9.99 and a white Mountain Hardware Monkey Fleece Jacket for $29.99; both were only gently worn and had make miles left on them.

Discounted Fleeces

Discounted Fleeces



If you are in the market for an upgrade on your ski equipment or want to give the sport a try, this is a good place to search for a deal. These Black Diamond boots were a prime deal at $349.97, marked down from $599.00.

Great Deal!

Great Deal!

The ski selection was incredible because of the volume of AT and Tele gear; the largest selection in one location we have seen to date! We haven’t seen any with that large of a AT or Tele department, new or used, never mind under one roof. Need skis? Siam Origins Alpine skis were originally $1,100.00 but you could steal them for $249.99.

Stellar Deal

Stellar Deal

Needless to say, next time you are in the area and searching for a deal, visit the Outdoor Gear and Exchange for “clothing and equipment for an active life”!

 Thanks for reading!  Tell us what you think 
MK & TK 🙂
Us in Yosemite National Park!

Us in Yosemite National Park!

My week of second-hand outfits

I wanted to challenge myself and see if I could pull of a week straight of wearing second-hand clothing/items!  So, this past week, I put my money where my mouth is, and tried it.  Since my wardrobe is not 100% full of second-hand clothing… I mixed in some clothing I already had in my closet.

What I found was, challenge or no challenge, I usually am wearing a vintage or consignment piece of clothing!  So, this really wasn’t a huge challenge for me. The true challenge would be wearing outfits (top to bottom) that are 100% from a second-hand store…okay, maybe not the underwear, but you get the picture.  Either way, I had fun compiling these outfits and hope you see that you can shop second-hand and still be stylish and SAVE MONEY.


Last day of 2012!

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Monday’s Outfit:

Leopard Print Shoes: Steve Madden – already in my closet

Mint Green Pants: Old Navy – already in my closet

Cream Vintage Sweater: Purchased at The Garment District in Cambridge, MA ($9.99)

Polka Dot Sweater: Merona, purchased at The Goodwill ($4.99)


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Tuesday’s Outfit:

Black Dress: Ann Klein – already in my closet

Blue Printed Shirt:  Old Navy –  Purchased from Modern Millie’s ($2)



Wednesday’s Outfit: 

Vintage Velvet Blazer: Purchased from  Foreign Affair Warehouse in Providence ($28)

Pink T-shirt: The Gap – Already in my closet

Gold Earrings: Already in my closet

Martini: Just delicious!


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Thursday’s Outfit:

Plaid Skirt: Vintage and purchased from the Goodwill in Quincy, MA ($4.99)

Black Shirt: Gap – already in my closet

Black Flats: H & M  – already in my closet




Friday’s Outfit:

Fun Dress: Mimi Chic – already in my closet

Cowboy Boots: Texas – purchased from NAVA in Providence, RI ($65)

Vintage Leather Clutch: Honestly, I have had this clutch for years, and I can’t remember what thrift store I purchased it at 😦 All I know is was under $10 and I LOVE IT!



Saturday’s Outfit:

Cheated a bit here and considered my winter coat as an “outfit” for the day 🙂

Vintage Nude Wool Coat: Purchased from North Hampton Hospice Thrift Shop ($8)

Brown Purse: H & M – Already in my closet

Gloves & Scarf: Already in my closet


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Sunday’s Outfit:

As you can see, I am a skier! As a thrifty gal I am always on the look out for great ski gear at decent prices. Check out my price for my GORTEX pants!

Off- White Sweater: LL Bean, purchased from Bloomingdeals in Salem, NH for $25

Black Gortex Pants: Purchased from Second Time Around with the tags still on them for $25!!! These usually go for $230.

Orange Ski Jacket: The North Face  – Already in my closet

All and all a great week 🙂 

Hope your week  is off to a great start!



Pop & Circumstance | Guidebook for Beautiful Living

fine china
I’m not quite sure where this full-on love affair with teacups came from…but it started about a year and a half ago. Whenever I’m out thrifting I keep my eyes open for pieces of china to add to the ever-expanding collection and have even gotten a couple of donations from friends & family (thanks Auntie Carole!)

mix patternsA teacup on it’s own looks just darling (I use two on my dresser to hold my rings), but when you start to mix and match different patterns and pieces the results are stunning. They’re dainty and fanciful and make for a beautiful table setting.

teacup collectionPersonally I’m drawn to pastel colored teacups with flowers or gold accents….but you really can’t go wrong.

fine chinaI’m dying to fulfill this motto – so next on the agenda is to plan a spring “tea” party and fill these babies with Prosecco! Finger sandwiches anyone?

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DIY – Leg Warmers

This morning I was cleaning out my closet and saw a few of my cashmere sweaters had holes in them. Not sure if moths are having a feeding fest or what, but I refuse to throw these out!
So I decided to make leg Warmers from the sleeves!! My brilliant idea for the day 🙂

This project is so easy and makes so much sense. Time to put those old sweaters to use…. Recycle, Reuse and save money.









Time to attack my green sweater!

Vintage Inspiration: Taking Risks With Confidence

Happy Monday! As we head into 2013 we are all thinking about resolutions and goals to set for ourselves.  This past Friday my Taking Risks With Confidence article was featured on and  I wrote this to encourage people to find their inner confidence when wearing something new or in everyday life. This is especially important when going into a new year.    Maybe your resolution is to be more confident… Maybe it’s to be a better friend… whatever it is, I hope you reach your goals and have a wonderful 2013.

Interested in gaining more confidence and taking more risks – read on!

How to Take a Risk With Confidence

No matter the size of your risk, it is essential to wear it with confidence. However,

like any perfect accessory, it takes time to find. For many people, taking a risk with confidence is hard to do.  Finding true confidence and appreciation for yourself, comes with taking risks and remaining true to yourself.


How to take a risk with confidence:

  • Knowing Your Style:

Have you found your style yet?  Do you know what makes you glow?  If you’re answer is no, then it’s time to find out.  You can do this by playing with different types of looks.

    • For example:  Look through your wardrobe, does everything resemble the same look? If so, try adding something new.  If you have all black clothing, try adding in a bright pink sweater or yellow scarf.  By experimenting, you will learn something new about yourself.

> No need to break the bank to experiment.  Pick-up a bright accessory or sweater at your local SAVERS.

  • Implement a Current Trend:

Don’t be afraid to try the latest fashion trend.  Just don’t go overboard and push yourself to a point of complete discomfort. I assure you, you will not appear confident if you hate your outfit. But, what you should do is mix something new into your style.

    • For example: Take one of the latest fall trends, the Baroque Period (think dramatic pieces, such as heavy materials and artistic designs). I would not advise that you buy a full velvet jump-suit and try to rock it. Talk about uncomfortable!  However, I do think you could wear a velvet blazer with jeans. Hence, adding a trend into your current style and not masking your own. You’re taking a risk, but not to the expense of losing yourself. If you lose yourself, you cannot be your most confident self.

> Look at your local consignment stores for the latest trendy looks. Visit to find a location near you.

  • Fake it Till You Make It:

Even if you’re not 100% sure, no one needs to know that.  Fake your confidence and you will soon be wearing it with ease.

    • For example: You’re taking a risk and wearing tight black leather pants. You paired it with a simple top, so you are not going overboard with the leather look. Even if your only feeling 59% sure about your leather pants, no one needs to know that. Walk around with an attitude to match those exhilarating pants of yours.

> Not sure where to find leather pants or accessories? You can find them at most second-hand stores for a reasonable price. Search my blog at for the nearest second-hand store location.

  • Dress For You and Only You:

A confident person doesn’t need approval from others.  They wear what they want and don’t apologize for it.

    • For example: You’re at a holiday party and chose to wear a fancy black dress, while everyone else wore jeans, don’t apologize.  A confident girl would never go around explaining how she should have worn jeans.  Remember, you put the dress on,  be proud of your choice.
  • Own it:

You took a risk, now own it.  You have your new velvet blazer on and are ready to show it off.  Stop over analyzing every detail. Walk away from the mirror and remember “confidence is your best accessory.”  I promise you – if you wear something as if you own it, no one will second-guess you.

    • For example: I own a pair of cowboy boots, and I love them.  Most recently I wore them to a baby shower with a black dress and polka dot shirt. Not your normal baby shower attire.  However, I love those cowboy boots and why not pair them with something dressy.  This outfit was designed by me, for me and I owned it. Period.
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Jaffrey, NH – The Thrifty Bear

The Thrifty Bear
2 Main St., Jaffrey, NH (603)532-7553

Thoughts: A quaint consignment shop with great finds!
Recommend: They have womans, kids, an men’s clothing, so this is a spot for everyone. They do carry more woman’s clothing and accessories then anything else.

A few weeks ago I hiked Mt. Monadnock in NH with friends and family. A great hiking spot for sure! We got done a bit early so I encouraged a trip to The Thrifty Bear, which is located 10 minutes from the mountain.
Here is a shot of Jeb from the top! My favorite shot of the day!

Ok, now onto the shopping 🙂
Heading into The Thrifty Bear I didn’t know what to expect. Immediately, I began hitting the racks, searching for quality and unique pieces. Turns out this cute shop is full of fabulous stuff! All well priced as well… Score!
I continued along taking photos and introduced myself to the owner. Fun fact – she just took over the shop about a year ago and is looking to change the name… Any ideas?

They have a substantial selection of designer labels –

Paired with a nice top- all for under $30… Not bad for a Banana Republic Jacket!

They also have a athletic attire section – love this!!


Looking for the perfect holiday outfit… They have it!



20121231-153306.jpg There’s nothing like an ugly sweater for the holiday season 🙂

Oh the accessories!!



They even had a men’s cave! Awesome for me, especially since I had two men shopping with me. Their outdoor selection of jackets was pretty good. While this section is not huge, they do carry solid outdoor brands.



All and all this is a nice shopping spot! They are unique and certainly cater to many different shoppers. Check it out today… You could even hike Mt. Monadnock beforehand. Just sayin!

After our hike and shopping adventure we celebrated our friend Melissa and JR’s engagement!! Woo!!
